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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ThompsonJ3, social psychology researches have shown the U.S. is the fifth largest speaking country in the world (Alarcon, 2001, p. 7), social solidarity (Tiffany, 2003, p. 59, 61) means friends and neighbors to be included in the family circle, traditions and beliefs examples are social solidarity (Tiffany, 2003, p. 59, 61), the process of integrating direct and indirect exposure to new values and lifestyles which must be practiced by host cultures and immigrant cultures (Perez & Padilla, 2000, p. 395), social psychology researches have shown family unity within a hierarchical society (Alarcon, 2001, p. 7), actions taken by individuals these actions refer to social psychology, host cultures and immigrant cultures (Perez & Padilla, 2000, p. 395) must meet in the middle of acculturation and understanding of traditions and beliefs, social psychology researches have shown the U.S. has a pluralistic society (Perez & Padilla, 2000, p. 391), family unity within a hierarchical society (Alarcon, 2001, p. 7) corroborates complete trust in professionals (Tiffany, 2003, p. 27), acculturation and understanding of traditions and beliefs will eliminate the wondering of How do Hispanic cultural ideologies give rise to social conflict in the United States due to misinterpretation and misinformation?, Psychology attempts to understand mental processes of the human mind, social psychology studies social interaction in the environment of a community, history of the language attempts to vindicate diversity of creeds and influences in a spoken or written language, social interaction in the environment of a community may be explained by Spanish, How do Hispanic cultural ideologies give rise to social conflict in the United States due to misinterpretation and misinformation? explanations may be gathered through the study of Spanish, the U.S. is the fifth largest speaking country in the world (Alarcon, 2001, p. 7) these facts yield to reflection How do Hispanic cultural ideologies give rise to social conflict in the United States due to misinterpretation and misinformation?, Psychology attempts to understand aims to predict behavior, traditions and beliefs examples are respect for authority figures (Tiffany, 2003, p. 27, 89), Hispanic individuals depend on family (Villarreal, Blozis, & Widaman, 2005, p. 410) reinforces the idea of social solidarity (Tiffany, 2003, p. 59, 61), Jahvel Thompson wonders How do Hispanic cultural ideologies give rise to social conflict in the United States due to misinterpretation and misinformation?