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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Decision Processes km1, Collaboration Drivers is driven by three critical factors Workflow Control, Decision Levels consist of Managerial decisions, Semi-structured decision process is a Decision Process, Synchronous collaboration do meet at the same time by video conferencing, informantion systems are transaction processing systems (TPS), Strategic decisions concern organizational issues, Asynchronous collaboration do not meet at the same time, but by team surveys, Synchronous collaboration do meet at the same time by conference calls, day-to-day acivities are concerned with inventory, work schedule, Managerial decisions are a Semi-structured decision process, People working together need Decision Levels, Managerial decisions concern the allocation and utilization of resources, Managerial decisions concern the employees, pay, profit, product, Unstructured decision process no agreed on decision-making method, Asynchronous collaboration do not meet at the same time, but by discussion forums, transaction processing systems (TPS) support Operational decisions, Workflow Control when activities occur simultaneously parallel, People working together must be Flexible, Communication can be Asynchronous collaboration, Decision Levels consist of Strategic decisions