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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: head and neck cancers, hemilaryngectomy- removal of one cord or part of 1 cord. temp trach req. Supraglottic laryngectomy- remove structures above the true cords & epiglottis. High risk of aspiration, Supraglottic laryngectomy- remove structures above the true cords & epiglottis. High risk of aspiration total laryngectomy- entrie lyrnx & pre- epiglottic region. Perm trach req, Head and neck cancers studies Laryngoscopy (biopsy), CT, MRI, PET,, Head and neck cancers nursing interventions voice rehab- yes/no questions wipe board picture board. voice prosthesis, esophageal speech electrolarynx, Head and neck cancers collaborative care Radiation- brachy or tele usually used for stage 1 or 2., Cordectomy- partial removal of one cord hemilaryngectomy- removal of one cord or part of 1 cord. temp trach req., Head and neck cancers nursing interventions stoma care- daily cleansing with moist cloth. loose scarf around stoma-no filtration, remove & clean laryngectomy tube daily. no swimming., Head and neck cancers collaborative care Chemo not very effective., Head and neck cancers S/S dependent on location EARLY: sore throat, hoarseness, voice changes, lump in throat, ear pain LATE: Pain, dysphagia, dec. mobility of tongue, airway obstruction, cranial neuropahties., Head and neck cancers nursing interventions Radiation-xerostomia (salagan-cholinergic) inc fluid intake, sugarless gum/candy, mouth rinse, water bottles. fatigue, daily walk, watch for desquamation, Head and neck cancers PIE Arise from mucosal surfaces. Not common- but debilitating. 2000 ppl/year. Risk factors: ᡪ alcohol & tobacco use., total laryngectomy- entrie lyrnx & pre- epiglottic region. Perm trach req Radical Neck- often with laryngectomy. wide excision of lymph nodes & channels, muscles, part of thyroid & parathyroid., Head and neck cancers collaborative care Cordectomy- partial removal of one cord, Head and neck cancers nursing interventions surgery- semi to high fowlers. wound mgt, drain patency. serosanguinous first 24 hours, then much less. shoulder drop- exercises., Radical Neck- often with laryngectomy. wide excision of lymph nodes & channels, muscles, part of thyroid & parathyroid. Modified- try to preserve as much form & function as possible., Head and neck cancers nursing interventions nutrition- TPN-off ASAP to prevent infection. aspiration precautions. start with sips. NEVER ALONE.