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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: kidney CA, Chronic pancreatitis General often asymptomatic HTN, Chronic pancreatitis Nutrition weight loss, Chronic pancreatitis Integumentary- pruritis, GI/GU hematuria, flank pain palpable mass in abdomen Surgical Interventions Radical Nephrectomy, General often asymptomatic HTN MEDS CHEMO 5-FU FUDR Gemzar TARGETED Sutent Srafenib BIOLOGIC IL-2 interferon, Chronic pancreatitis Diagnostics, Chronic pancreatitis GI/GU hematuria, flank pain palpable mass in abdomen, GI/GU hematuria, flank pain palpable mass in abdomen Surgical Interventions Lap Nephrectomy, Chronic pancreatitis risk factors smoking obesity HTN exposure to asbestos, cadmium & gas, PKD of ESRD, Chronic pancreatitis patho Renal cell carcinoma (adenocarcinoma) most common type. 2x men over women, age 50-70. Can arise from cortex or pelvis., Diagnostics IVP with nephrotomography, u/s, renal angiography, CT MRI percutaneous needle aspiration, Chronic pancreatitis metabolic fever anemia, Diagnostics urinalysis, CBC ↓H&H ↑Ca ↑ESR