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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: esophageal cancer, esophagogastrostomy- resection w/anastomosis to stomach esphagoenterostomy- resection w/ anastomosis to colon, esophageal Cancer studies endoscopy (biopsy), endoscopic u/s for staging, barium swallow, bronchoscopy, CT, MRI, PET, CX, LF studies., esophageal Cancer nursing interventions POST-OP monitor wound, drains, watch for blood around mouth. Will have NG tube for decompression, drainage for 8-12 hours, esophageal Cancer nursing interventions radiation-site specific. N/V, dysphagia, fatigue, esophageal Cancer collaborative care endoscopic mucosal resection, esophageal Cancer collaborative care No specific chemo regime, endoscopic mucosal resection esophagectomy- dacron graft to replace resected area., esophageal Cancer collaborative care photodynamic therapy Photofrin injected, light applied. Must avoid sun for 1 month!, esophageal Cancer S/S s/s usually late. progressive dysphagia, pain, weight loss, anorexia, regurg, choking, esophagectomy- dacron graft to replace resected area. esophagogastrostomy- resection w/anastomosis to stomach, esophageal Cancer nursing interventions nutrition- daily wieghts, dietician, oral care high fowlers when eating. Aspiration precautions.., esophageal Cancer collaborative care antiemetics antidiarrheals, antimicrobials, nexium, esophageal Cancer PIE risk factors: smoking, obesity, GERD, barretts, alcohol. Mets usually to liver & lung. Recent increase in prevalence