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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: glomerulonephritis, H&H, BUN, creatinine, serum anti-GBM antibodies tx corticosteroids, cytoxan, imuran, plasmapheresis. Nursing mgt :renal failure, respiratory distress., Antigen-antibody complexes are formed from an infection somewhere in the body. Occasionally, these are the wrong size and they become lodged in the openings of the glomerulus. Increase in glomerular permeability Decrease in GFR types Acute poststreptococcal, Antigen-antibody complexes are formed from an infection somewhere in the body. Occasionally, these are the wrong size and they become lodged in the openings of the glomerulus. Increase in glomerular permeability Decrease in GFR types Goodpasture, Antigen-antibody complexes are formed from an infection somewhere in the body. Occasionally, these are the wrong size and they become lodged in the openings of the glomerulus. Increase in glomerular permeability Decrease in GFR types Chronic, H&P, prior strep? urinalysis, CBC WBC BUN, creatinine, ASO titer Renal biopsy tx rest sodium/fluid restriction, diuretics antihypertensives adjustment of dietary protein, Glomerulonephritis patho Antigen-antibody complexes are formed from an infection somewhere in the body. Occasionally, these are the wrong size and they become lodged in the openings of the glomerulus. Increase in glomerular permeability Decrease in GFR, Goodpasture s/s RARE. seen mostly in young male smokers. cough, mild SOB, hemoptysis, crackles, rhonci, pulmonary insufficiency. hematuira, weakness, proteinuria, pallor anemia, renal failure. pulmonary hemorrhage may precede renal by weeks or months., RARE. seen mostly in young male smokers. cough, mild SOB, hemoptysis, crackles, rhonci, pulmonary insufficiency. hematuira, weakness, proteinuria, pallor anemia, renal failure. pulmonary hemorrhage may precede renal by weeks or months. dx H&H, BUN, creatinine, serum anti-GBM antibodies, Acute poststreptococcal s/s develops 5-21 days post strep. Edema, (starts in eyes, progresses to ascites or peripheral edema) hypertension, oliguria hematuria w/ smoky or rusty, proteinuria 95% recover, develops 5-21 days post strep. Edema, (starts in eyes, progresses to ascites or peripheral edema) hypertension, oliguria hematuria w/ smoky or rusty, proteinuria 95% recover DX H&P, prior strep? urinalysis, CBC WBC BUN, creatinine, ASO titer Renal biopsy, Antigen-antibody complexes are formed from an infection somewhere in the body. Occasionally, these are the wrong size and they become lodged in the openings of the glomerulus. Increase in glomerular permeability Decrease in GFR types rapidly progressive