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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: GI tests, ERCP Radiographic visualization of bile and pancreatic ducts., Pre-procedure NPO INformed Consent Will be sedated Post procedure GAg reflex, TESTS percutaneous tranhepatic cahlangiography, Radiographic visualization of bile and pancreatic ducts. Used to dx: pancratitis cholelithiasis liver cancer pancreatic CA, Used to dx: pancratitis cholelithiasis liver cancer pancreatic CA Pre-procedure NPO INformed Consent Will be sedated, Pass a needle thru liver into transhepatic duct. Inject dye Visualization of bile duct & sometimes panc duct Used to dx: cholecystitis cholelithiasis, TESTS ERCP, percutaneous tranhepatic cahlangiography Pass a needle thru liver into transhepatic duct. Inject dye Visualization of bile duct & sometimes panc duct, Pre procedure: allergy assessment NPO Informed consent coagulation studies POST: Bedrest. monitor insertion site NPO after. Watch for bleeding., Used to dx: cholecystitis cholelithiasis Pre procedure: allergy assessment NPO Informed consent coagulation studies