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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Barrow_Savoonga_Formation_v0c_fmt, Tools are Equipment, ShoreFastIce buildsby AddonIce, Sikuliaq testedforsafety Tester, Slush forms most often during SnowFall, WallofHardtoBreakIce is not Mugglik, Sikuliaqruaq olderthan 30Days, Tuvaqruaq is VerySafeIce, Sauoougu floatsto Shore?, BreakingUpOfShoreFastIce in Barrow Terminology Tuvaiyaaq, Slush forms on OpenOcean, WindFormation in Barrow Terminology Iuu, PancakeIce formedby WaveBreakUp, Slush moved to shore by OceanCurrent, Tester inSavoonga Uungheq, Qaamguq same as IceOnBeach, Sikuliaqruaq youngerthan 90Days, Sikuliaqruaq inSavoonga Sikughlluggaq, IceJigging localslookfor Tomcod, IcePiles in Barrow Terminology euunrut, Slush driven in by Wind