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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CICE radiation detail_merged_new_predicates, ITC ponded ice layer are ice surface types, TransmissionFunction input ice geometry properties, ITC bare ice layer are ice surface types, ITC snow layer melt ITC ponded ice layer, ice surface types has ice property, ITC snow layer are ice surface types, phase change within ITC massequation melt pond depth, ice inclusions are non-ice component, DeltaEddingtonEquation integrate TransmissionFunction, ice enthalpy term in EnergyEquation, non-ice component has non-ice optical properties, asymmetry parameter are ice optical property, ITC ponded ice layer freeze ITC bare ice layer, ice internal energy term in EnergyEquation, ITC bare ice layer melt ITC ponded ice layer, TransmissionFunction hasPart Ice Surface Type Optical Property, dynamical property are ice property, snow grain radius function of surface temperature, mechanical property are ice property, ice optical property are ice property