Explanation of Classroom Rule 4 – Citizenship


4.0  Being a good citizen of the class means being respectful of other students, the teacher, the room and the things in the room. It means contributing to overall benefit of the community (class).


4.1  Students are expected to conduct themselves in a polite conscientious manner that makes others feel respected and appreciated. If you do not treat others with the appropriate level of respect, you will be reported to the administration for disciplinary action.


4.2  Students are expected to “clean up” after themselves and their groups. They are also expected to contribute to keeping the room clean and orderly. If you fail to clean up after yourself or contribute to keeping the room clean you will lose classroom participation points, be kept after class to clean up and/or be reported to the administration for disciplinary action.


4.3  Students are expected to not abuse the furniture, write on desk/tables or “play with” things in the room which they are not authorized to use. If you abuse the things in the room, you will lose classroom participation points, be kept after class to repair any damage and/or be billed for damage.


4.4  Students are expected to be responsible for the computers and laboratory equipment they use. You are responsible for equipment while you have it out, you are responsible to use it only for its intended purpose and you are responsible to put it away properly when you are done with it. If you fail to meet these expectations, you will lose classroom participation points, lose assignment points, be kept after class to put things away and/or be billed for damage.


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