Explanation of Classroom Rule 3 – Be Responsible


3.0  Being a responsible young adult means taking personal responsibility for your own learning. It means living up to your obligations on your own initiative. It means being proactive in your own learning.


3.1  Students are expected to turn in assignments on time and without being prompted to do so. If you do not submit an assignment on time, on your own initiative, you will receive zero credit and you may not make up or redo the assignment for credit.


3.2  Students are expected to do their own work. If you submit an assignment that is plagiaristic, you will receive zero credit and you may not redo the assignment for credit.


3.3  Students are expected to not allow other students to plagiarize their work. If you allow another student to plagiarize your work, you will receive zero credit for your assignment.


3.4  Students are expected to contribute their fair share to group activities. If you do not make an honest effort to contribute your “fair share” to group activities, you will receive a lower grade than those who do contribute.


3.5  Students are expected to seek help when they are having difficulty. Don’t wait until the day of the test! When you don’t understand something you are expected to read the information provided to you, ask other students for help, ask the teacher for help, seek out other resources and/or make an appointment to come in for extra help during the teacher’s office hours. Your failure to seek help early and keep up with the class does not entitle you to special consideration.


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