Explanation of Classroom Rule 1 – Be On Time


1.0  Being on time to class means being in your seat, prepared for class and engaged in class work when class starts.


1.1  Students are expected to be in their assigned seats and actively engaged in appropriate class related activities at the school’s defined starting time for the class (when the bell rings). If you fail to meet these expectations, you will be considered tardy and will be reported to the office for appropriate disciplinary action by the administration and/or lose classroom participation points.


1.2  Students are expected to bring their calculator, notebooks and pencil/pen to class (every day) and have them on their desks before class starts. If you fail to bring these items to class and have them ready at the start of class you will lose classroom participation points.


1.3  Students are expected to put all non-class related items in their backpacks and put their backpacks away in a designated area before class starts. You must put the following items away in your backpack before class starts or they will be confiscated on sight. All confiscated items will be taken to the office and may not be retrieved until the end of the school day.


1.3.1        Cell phones

1.3.2        iPods

1.3.3        Games

1.3.4        Food items


1.4  Daily assignments will be posted on “the board” prior to the start of class. Students are expected to start and become actively engaged in these assignments on their own initiative. If you fail to become actively engaged in these activities in a timely manner without prompting, you will lose classroom participation points.


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