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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: __Morocco--2, Poor Government Policies Gender Assymetry in Eductational Policy, Vulnerability to Evironmental Disaster caused by Limited energy sources, Uninformed Agricultural System? such as Lack of Diversified cereal production, Vulnerability to Evironmental Disaster caused by Rain Dependency, 100% Reliance on Oil Imports Economically Vulnerable Urban Population, Economically Vulnerable Urban Population Urban insecurity, Poor Government Policies Micro Economic Instability, Micro Economic Instability leads to Vulnerability to Evironmental Disaster, Vulnerability to Evironmental Disaster caused by Earthquake damage, Poor Government Policies Uninformed Agricultural System?, Vulnerability to Evironmental Disaster caused by Locust Problems, Economically Vulnerable Urban Population unemployment, Uninformed Agricultural System? such as Inefficient use of scarce water, Gender Assymetry in Eductational Policy leads to female illiteracy, unemployment directly causes poverty, Economically Vulnerable Urban Population Fast Growing Labor Force