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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group_-_Stewart_Butler, People have more money to spend Therefore The economy is stimulated, Giving people money they have not earned through labor is not helping anyone. Therefore Social welfare is not helping anyone., If people spend more money, the economy is stimulated Therefore The economy is stimulated, Miriam was hanging around the librarian's desk in the library when the books were stolen. Therefore She is probably the theif, Whatever the evidence says is true Therefore She is guilty, The evidence says Lizzy Borden is guilty Therefore She is guilty, Jack's ears are red Therefore Jack is lying, Stem-cell research encourages abortions because abortions are a prime source of stem cells. Therefore Stem Cell research should be banned., Anything that encourages abortions should be banned. Therefore Stem Cell research should be banned., Social welfare is giving people money who have not earned it. Therefore Social welfare is not helping anyone., If someone was hanging around the location of the theft when the theft occured, they are probably the theif Therefore She is probably the theif, If Jack's ears are red, he is lying Therefore Jack is lying, If taxes are lowered, people have more money to spend Therefore People have more money to spend, Taxes are lowered Therefore People have more money to spend