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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: KBJJ 7-10, When Regan cut taxes, the economy boomed. therefore (ArgScheme: argument from perfect analogy) If you lower taxes, then the economy will boom, All evidence suggests that Lizzy Borden is guilty. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Lizzy Borden is guity., If all evidence suggests guilt, then the person is guilty. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Lizzy Borden is guity., Today is just like when Regan was in office, with regard to the economy. therefore (ArgScheme: argument from perfect analogy) If you lower taxes, then the economy will boom, If you lower taxes, then people will have more money to spend. therefore (ArgScheme: conditional syllogism) If you lower taxes, then the economy will boom, If we provide welfare, then we are providing a handout to people who did not work for it. therefore (ArgScheme: conditional syllogism) If we provide welfare, then we are not helping anyone., If Jack's face is red, then he is not telling the truth. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Jack is not telling the truth., If we provide a handout to people who did not work for it, then we are not helping anyone. therefore (ArgScheme: conditional syllogism) If we provide welfare, then we are not helping anyone., Jack's face is red. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Jack is not telling the truth., Either Jack is lying, or Jack is telling the truth. therefore (ArgScheme: XOR syllogism) Jack is lying, If people have more money to spent, then the economy will boom. therefore (ArgScheme: conditional syllogism) If you lower taxes, then the economy will boom, Jack is not telling the truth. therefore (ArgScheme: XOR syllogism) Jack is lying