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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Educating the NET generation, Renee Watson ???? "We create truth as we construct languages that serve our purposes." "self" constructed by the language it uses to describe itself., EDUCATING THE NET GENERATION by Ashley Pratten, Ashley Pratten ???? ????, Renae Campbell ???? Cultural conditions -influence ideas on reality -influence language which influences knowledge -can lead to limited perspective Science seeks to find truth, leads to real knowledge, has meaning, EDUCATING THE NET GENERATION by Renae Campbell, EDUCATING THE NET GENERATION by Megan Kearney, Nathan Jones ???? Is the result of the modern taking its own commitments and seing that they fail to stand the test of analysis -Shift fom knowing to contructing meaning - truth is whatever we can get our collegues or community to agree to - Naratives mask a play of power -We are only what we describe ourselves to be - there is nothing deep down inside of ourselves except what we have put there ourselves - The cutting edge of culture is literacy theory, EDUCATING THE NET GENERATION by Nathan Jones, Craig Wallace ???? Death of God -new philosophical dispositions. -replace old world view with new one but what has changed? -knowledge still equals power., Emma Williams ???? premodern - a just god with a high on human depravity modern - use universal reason as a guide to justice postmodern - despiar of any universal standard for justice and a dim view of any universal truth, EDUCATING THE NET GENERATION by Ariana Cormie, EDUCATING THE NET GENERATION by Craig Wallace, EDUCATING THE NET GENERATION by Danielle Brown, EDUCATING THE NET GENERATION by Paul Jones, EDUCATING THE NET GENERATION by Renee Watson, EDUCATING THE NET GENERATION by Emma Williams, Megan Kearney ???? - there is no one story - what is good is what society decides is good - How do we know what we know? - Knowledge is power, Ariana Cormie The master of awesomeness smells too :P BEING TO KNOWING ~how can we have knowledge of something that we have never before encountered ~constructivist nature of knowledge ~language is a form of human survival resulting from the need for communication ~effectiveness in communication = language passed on by survivors KNOWING TO MEANING ~bus example (if communication about a bus coming towards you is ineffective, that person will be hit by the bus and the langauge will die with its victim) ~only effective language has meaning THE DEATH OF TRUTH ~Truth is the result of societal acceptance of information ~history is told through narrative, fact is susceptible to bias and opinion... how do you know what we are told is what happened? ~How can something be the truth if no-one will believe you?, Paul Jones ???? Postmodernism, I think therefore I am, the cutting edge, what is god, language is closely associated with power,