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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: danielle, Astrosciences Discipline Geology Including Earth and Environmental Science, Biology sub disciplines lifes future on earth and beyond, Physics Subdiscipline Flow of Gravity, Geology Including Earth and Environmental Science Areas of interest Black smokers, Biology sub disciplines Earths early biosphere and its environment, Geology Including Earth and Environmental Science Areas of interest Planetary mapping, Astrosciences Discipline Biology, Geology Including Earth and Environmental Science Areas of interest Meteorology, Chemistry sub-disciplines Inorganic, Biology sub disciplines life in our solar system, Chemistry sub-disciplines Physical Chemistry, Biology sub disciplines evolution, environment and limits of life, Geology Including Earth and Environmental Science Areas of interest Vulcanology, Chemistry sub-disciplines Analytical, Physics Subdiscipline Special Relativity, Chemistry sub-disciplines Biochemistry, Physics Subdiscipline Space Exploration and Travel, Biology sub disciplines origins of life, Chemistry sub-disciplines Astrochemistry, Biology sub disciplines Biochemistry