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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: nano group map with objection, The private market needs to regulate nanotechnology. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Insurance companies are most likely to help regulate nanotechnology., Studies show that NSPs can elicit sever acute lung injury. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Studies show that nanosized particles could prove hazardous to humans., Studies show that nanosized particles could prove hazardous to humans. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) There is a major need for nanotechnology regulation., There are many unknowns involving the use of nanotechnology. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) There is no way to estimate the losses or predict the possible risks in nanotechnology., The government does not wish to regulate nanotechnology production and selling. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) The private market needs to regulate nanotechnology., If the government does not wish to regulate nanotechnology production and selling, then the private market needs to regulate nanotechnology. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) The private market needs to regulate nanotechnology., Studies show that NSPs can cause significant acute pulmonary effects. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Studies show that nanosized particles could prove hazardous to humans., If there are many unknowns involving the use of nanotechnology, then there is now way to estimate the losses or predict the possible risks. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) There is no way to estimate the losses or predict the possible risks in nanotechnology., Three recent studies placed carbon nanotubes in the tracheas of rats and mice and found significant acute pulmonary effects. Supports Studies show that NSPs can cause significant acute pulmonary effects., If insurance companies are most likely to help regulate nanotechnology, then new premiums will be created to asses the risk of creating and selling nanotechnology. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) New premiums will be created to asses the risk of creating and selling nanotechnology., If studies show that NSPs can elicit severe acute lung injury, cause significant pulmonary effects, and may cross the blood-brain barrier once they enter the circulatory system, then studies show nanosized particles could prove hazardous to humans. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Studies show that nanosized particles could prove hazardous to humans., Several studies were conducted in rats in which the rats were exposed to different NSPs. The lungs of the animals were lavaged repeatedly to retrieve macrophages. Supports Studies show that NSPs can elicit sever acute lung injury., Insurance companies are most likely to help regulate nanotechnology. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) New premiums will be created to asses the risk of creating and selling nanotechnology., Insurance companies initially will have difficulty creating premiums to assess the risk of creating and selling nanotechnology. Objects New premiums will be created to asses the risk of creating and selling nanotechnology., If the private market needs to regulate nanotechnology, then insurance companies are most likely to help regulate nanotechnology. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Insurance companies are most likely to help regulate nanotechnology., If many unknowns are still present in nanotechnology and insurance companies have now way of estimating a loss in the use of it, then insurance companies will have great difficulty creating premiums. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Insurance companies initially will have difficulty creating premiums to assess the risk of creating and selling nanotechnology., There is no way to estimate the losses or predict the possible risks in nanotechnology. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Insurance companies initially will have difficulty creating premiums to assess the risk of creating and selling nanotechnology., Studies show NSPs may cross the blood-brain barrier once they enter the circulatory system. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) Studies show that nanosized particles could prove hazardous to humans., If studies show that nanosized particles could prove hazardous to humans, then there is a major need for nanotechnology regulation. therefore (ArgScheme: modus ponens) There is a major need for nanotechnology regulation.