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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Respiration (Chpt 10), Epithelium bearing Cilia, External Nares lthrough the Nasal Passages, Energy is used for processes such as Muscular Contractions, Ethanol (Alcohol) in Alcholic Fermentation, Bronchi have walls lined by Epithelium, Bronchi which lead to Bronchioles, Breathing involves Air Passages, Breathing involves Lungs, Internal Intercostal Muscle are found between Ribs, Breathing consists of Expiration/ Exhalation, Air Passages start from External Nares, Antagonistic Muscles to control Inspiration/ Inhalation, Yeast Cells to produce Small amount of energy, Pharynx which lead to Trachea, Yeast Cells to produce Carbon Dioxide, Lactic Acid is transported to Liver, Carbon Dioxide in Alcholic Fermentation, organs that lie in the Pleural Cavity, Energy which is stored in the body as ATP, Mitochondria to produce Large amount of energy