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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Respiration_Kay, nostrils/ external nares which lead to pharynx, inner Pleuron coveres the lungs which contain bronchi, Latic acid causes muscular pains, Organic molecules to release carbon dioxide, internal intercostal muscles Contracts Diaphragm relaxes, small surface area to volume ratio requires specialised Breathing Mechanisms, Pleural Membrane consisting of inner Pleuron, antagonistic muscles which are internal intercostal muscles, small surface area to volume ratio requires specialised Breathing Organs/ Gaseous Exhange systems, Pleural Membrane consisting of Outer Pleuron, large surface area for efficient gaseous exchange, large amount of energy need for energy-consuming processes such as Active Transport, adrenaline resulting in increased heart rate, external intercostal muscles Contracts Diaphragm contracts, Latic acid Transported to Liver, absence of oxygen such as in Yeast, energy to carry out vital processes, waste Products which inclucdes carbon dioxide, waste Products which includes Carbon dioxide, nicotine causes the release of adrenaline