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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Respiration (Jacob), Human Gaseous Exchange involves removal of carbon dioxide, Anaerobic Respiration releases less energy, Breathing Mechanism consists of diaphragm, Breathing Mechanism consists of larynx, accumulate will cause fatigue, Prerenal requires oxygen, Lungs has associated capillaries, lactic acid will be accumulate, accumulate will cause muscle pain, Breathing Mechanism consists of ribs, Breathing Mechanism consists of Lungs, Human Gaseous Exchange is affected by Tobacco smoking, Human Gaseous Exchange involves Breathing Mechanism, Prerenal has example Human Gaseous Exchange, Vigorous exercise will produce lactic acid, has Acute Renal Failure, major toxic components includes carbon monoxide, transported sends to liver, major toxic components includes nicotine, Breathing Mechanism consists of trachea