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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Respiration_Final, Lower respiratory tract consists of Lungs, Cilia which beats continuously to remove mucus and foreign particles, Well-supplied with pulmonary capillaries facilitates Efficient gaseous exchange, Tobacco smoke contains Tar, Diaphragm which causes Inhalation, Larynx contains Cilia, External intercostal muscles Contracts leading to the contraction of Diaphragm, Vigorous exercise resulting in Fatigue, Bicarbonate transported by Circulatory system, Nasal passage leads to Pharynx, One cell thick wall facilitates Efficient gaseous exchange, Ribs that encloses Internal intercostal muscles, Ribs that encloses External intercostal muscles, Respiration which occurs in the presence of Abundant Oxygen Supply, Alveoli with One cell thick wall, Pharynx contains Cilia, Carbon dioxide converted by Carbonic Anhydrase, Chest cavity which is supported by Ribs, Aerobic respiration is the oxidation of organic molecules into Water, Carbonic Anhydrase into Bicarbonate