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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Nick Cycles, La nina Has normal Weather, Volcanoes Gives off lots of Carbon, Global warmin messes up the Weather, Atmosphic cycle on a day to day baisis is Weather, Water cycle Is found in Clouds, Patterns and cycles some of the main cycles are Life Cyles, Rivers Helps form Igneous, Sun plays the main role in Climate, Water cycle Carries Sedimentary, Water cycle Is found in Glacers, Atmosphic cycle Is driven by the Sun, Water cycle Is found in Bodies of water, Climate One of the forces is the Jet stream, Ground water run into Rivers, Biotic organisms need the Water cycle, Life Cyles is the the cylce of Biotic organisms, Carbon Plays a role in Global warmin, Clouds Give off Precipitation, Chemical cycle Main chemicals are Nitrogen, Reproduction Happens because of the Seasons