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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Earth's Cycles -Paige, Chemical Cycle renews atoms, Jet Stream cause Ocean Currents, Climate varies in cycles is Milankovitch Cycle, Eath's Rotation on its axis is a circular motion called Precession, Gulf Stream an atlantic Ocean Currents, Reproduction is required for species Survival, Metamorphic Rock release Phosphorous, Carbon help Ocean Currents, Condensation is part of the Water Cycle, Water is held in Reservoirs, Nitrogen is an element for the Cell cycle, Igneous Rock formed from lava in Valcanoes, Carbon moves through the Chemical Cycle, atoms are constantly Recycling, Water vaporizes in Evaporation, Nitrogen help Ocean Currents, Precession is the circular motion in Milankovitch Cycle, Fat Storage occurs in Cell cycle, Cells are required for Survival, Water changes from a gas to a liquid in Condensation