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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Tesselations, What are Tesselations? History Math and Science 1. 2., Regular Polygons 1. 2. 3. determinded by Non-regular Polygons 1. 2., Transformations processed Translation 1., What are Tesselations? Created by Patterns, Transformations processed Rotation 1., Patterns determinded by Non-regular Polygons 1. 2., What are Tesselations? Create your own Pre-made patterns, Transformations processed Glide 1., Transformations processed Reflection 1., What are Tesselations? History M. C. Escher 1. 2., What are Tesselations? History Ancient & Modern uses 1. 2., What are Tesselations? Created by Transformations, What are Tesselations? Create your own On the Web Have some fun