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Este Cmap, tiene informaciĆ³n relacionada con: 6-Process vs Price, PROCESS VS PRICE has those elements to analyze direct labor, defect reduction is focus in waiting time, direct labor has some features cost are important when labor is 80% of manufacturing cost, PROCESS VS PRICE has those elements to analyze quality cost, PROCESS VS PRICE has those elements to analyze employee fidelization, direct labor has some features focus on activities reduction, PROCESS VS PRICE has some key elements price can't be defined only with production cost, quality cost has features like has to be included in cost analysis, PROCESS VS PRICE has those elements to analyze defect reduction, defect reduction that means more production that customer need, direct labor has some features opportunity cost, PROCESS VS PRICE has some key elements add value proposal have to be doing with process people, quality cost has features like has to be improvement in the suppliers, direct labor has some features focus in innecesary transport, employee fidelization has some features more indirect labor, bat customer service, PROCESS VS PRICE has some key elements needs a process measure way, waiting time mainly in machine inactivity by maintainance, direct labor has some features focus in process order, opportunity cost has some features is not included in cost accounting, defect reduction that means equipment, material, space, labor that not generate add value