Assignments for STEAM BOILERS |
a) Boiler shut down and start up procedures followed on board. b) Safety valves on drum, superheater and desuperheater: construction, setting and operation. c) Line drawing of the steam distribution system and rationale for the same. d) Steam temperature control system: arrangement and operation. |
e) Boiler combustion control and management: Faults encountered in practice and actions taken. f) Fuel oil to gas and gas to fuel oil change over: precautions and practices on board. g) Safety systems incorporated in boiler combustion control. h) Dual fuel burners: construction and operation. |
i) Feed system line drawing with all important pressures and temperatures and rationale for the same. j) Main condensate extraction pump: construction and operation. k) Main feed pump: construction, safety devices and operation. l) Main condenser: construction, regeneration arrangement, extraction arrangement, leak detection. |
Assignments for STEAM TURBINES |
m) Nozzle control: arrangement and operation. n) HP, LP and Astern turbine arrangement and steam piping expansion arrangement. o) Turbine construction. p) Safety devices on turbines. |
Assignments for LNG SYSTEMS |
q) LNG piping line diagram from cargo tanks to the boilers with important details. r) Forced vaporizer: construction and operation. s) LD compressor: construction and operation. t) LNG safety: handling gas, how brought into engine room with double ducting and associated safety systems. |
Assignments for PLANT OPERATIONS |
u) Turbine warming up procedure. v) Changing over procedure for main condenser to auxiliary condenser. w) Dumping system: system description and operational procedures. x) Emergency steam plant operation with one boiler. y) Emergency steam plant operation with one turbine. |