Shipboard Assignments:
Assignments for STEAM BOILERS
a) Boiler shut down and start up procedures followed on board.
b) Safety valves on drum, superheater and desuperheater: construction, setting and operation.
c) Line drawing of the steam distribution system and rationale for the same.
d) Steam temperature control system: arrangement and operation.
e) Boiler combustion control and management: Faults encountered in practice and actions taken.
f) Fuel oil to gas and gas to fuel oil change over: precautions and practices on board.
g) Safety systems incorporated in boiler combustion control.
h) Dual fuel burners: construction and operation.
i) Feed system line drawing with all important pressures and temperatures and rationale for the same.
j) Main condensate extraction pump: construction and operation.
k) Main feed pump: construction, safety devices and operation.
l) Main condenser: construction, regeneration arrangement, extraction arrangement, leak detection.
Assignments for STEAM TURBINES
m) Nozzle control: arrangement and operation.
n) HP, LP and Astern turbine arrangement and steam piping expansion arrangement.
o) Turbine construction.
p) Safety devices on turbines.
Assignments for LNG SYSTEMS
q) LNG piping line diagram from cargo tanks to the boilers with important details.
r) Forced vaporizer: construction and operation.
s) LD compressor: construction and operation.
t) LNG safety: handling gas, how brought into engine room with double ducting and associated safety systems.
Assignments for PLANT OPERATIONS
u) Turbine warming up procedure.
v) Changing over procedure for main condenser to auxiliary condenser.
w) Dumping system: system description and operational procedures.
x) Emergency steam plant operation with one boiler.
y) Emergency steam plant operation with one turbine.