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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CMAP_Morris, supportive mentorship to help with careful collaboration, What Makes a Successful Research Career? begins with defined research interests, protocol require Willing participants for study, What Makes a Successful Research Career? often requires skilled techniques, protocol require knowledge base, study design/proposals require financial backing, defined research goals aided by supportive mentorship, supportive mentorship to help with hypothesis generation, defined research goals allows for hypothesis generation, defined research interests leads to defined research goals, financial backing through grants, study design/proposals develop protocol, protocol require support staff, supportive mentorship to help with study design/proposals, protocol require facilities, What Makes a Successful Research Career? often requires patience, hypothesis generation leading to study design/proposals, patience to understand defined research interests, flexibility with study design/proposals, What Makes a Successful Research Career? often requires flexibility