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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Hannah Scanlon States of Matter, solids types are Crystalline, states of matter Include Gasses, Definite volume but do not have a Definite shape, Amorphous definintion is particles are not in a regular pattern, Definite volume because The particles are arranged in a fixed, closely packed pattern, solids types are Amorphous, liquids Evaporation Gasses, solids Example is Ice, Definite volume because The particles are free to move, liquids Have a Definite volume, Crystalline examples salt, Amorphous examples are Glass, Gasses Do NOT have a Definitie Shape, Crystalline examples sugar, Crystalline definition is particles are in a regular, repeating pattern, Gasses Condensation liquids, states of matter Include solids, states of matter Include liquids, liquids Examples Water, liquids Examples Juice