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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 4 theories, offer instructional design/learning strategies such as worked examples, Cognitivism developed within this context rise of computers, knowledge nodes through the use of technology and communication tools, engage learners in active learning, students and worker who are creative, offer instructional design/learning strategies such as mnemonics, Constructivism knowledge is mediated by experience, culture, social interaction, language, Cognitivism is said to make learning explicit, the internal states of human mind is concerned with Information processing and memory, Connectivism developed within this context digital age, Constructivism developed within this context post modernist thought 1960s, students and worker who are problem solvers, Cognitivism is said to give learner mental structures upon which to hang new information, offer instructional design/learning strategies that prevent extraneous cognitive load, the external environment is concerned with Observable behavior, highly individualized programs of reinforcement schedules, knowledge nodes through personal learning networks, students and worker who are contributors to domain knowledge, connect learners to knowledge nodes, provide efficient training using highly individualized programs