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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Revenue to Services, Realms of Expenditures incl. Space and Facilities, Realms of Revenues Directed to Library, Realms of Revenues incl. Tuition, Realms of Expenditures incl. People, Realms of Revenues incl. Donations, Realms of Expenditures incl. Supplies and Equipment, Realms of Revenues incl. Grants, Library which spends $ to provide Realms of Expenditures, Realms of Revenues incl. Entrepreneurial Activities, Realms of Revenues incl. Fines, Realms of Expenditures incl. Cooperative Ventures, Library which spends $ to provide Serivces to Community, Realms of Revenues incl. Taxes, Realms of Revenues incl. Corporate Earnings, Realms of Expenditures incl. Collections