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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: AH SM PopDyn, Exchange through Emigration, Dispersal within Expanding Populations, Upstream Movement influence Colonization Cycle, Cohert Life Table estimates Per Capita Rate of Increase, Constant Rate of Survival, Per Capita Rate of Increase combined leads to population Increased, Patterns of Survival include Static Life table, Dispersal in Rivers & Streams, Dispersal in reponse to Food Supply, Generation Time combined leads to population Increased, Decline of Population Densities, Population Dynamics corncerned with Maintenance, High Rate of Survival, Expanding Populations example Eurasion Collared Doves, Survival among Young, Emigration is the Loss, Food Supply example Vols, Drift influence Colonization Cycle, 3 Survivorship Curves which are Type II, Vt= Vg + Ve + Vge + Vr defined as Residual Variation