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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: healthsystem, understand risk factors within population ???? priority of research, look at preventive and therapeutic options ???? priority of research, predict disease risks ???? priority of research, genome-based science/ integrated knowledge ???? understand risk factors within population, develop new methods and techniques ???? evaluate and develop new health services, priority of research ???? develop new methods and techniques, genome-based science/ integrated knowledge ???? predict disease risks, inform public ???? improvement in health system, evaluate and develop new health services ???? improvement in health system, develop new methods and techniques ???? educate and train, genome-based science/ integrated knowledge ???? look at preventive and therapeutic options, population science ???? genome-based science/ integrated knowledge, educate and train ???? improvement in health system, communicate new methods ???? improvement in health system, develop new methods and techniques ???? communicate new methods, humanities and social science ???? genome-based science/ integrated knowledge, develop new methods and techniques ???? inform public