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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Data Manipulation Module, SQL used for View Defintion VDL, Database Design invesigate Logical Design, Data Manipulation Module explain Relational Model & Relational Theory, Transaction Management & Concurrency Control understand Concurrency Control, Data Models introduce Network, Database Life-cycle explore Database Design, Database Life-cycle explore Initial study, Relational Model & Relational Theory revisit Normal Forms, Data Models introduce Hierarchical, Data Manipulation DML manipulate tables with DELETE, Data Manipulation Module examine Transaction Management & Concurrency Control, Data Manipulation DML manipulate tables with UPDATE, Transaction Management & Concurrency Control explore Tranaction Properties, Relational Model & Relational Theory understand Integrity, Database Design undertand Physical Design, Data Manipulation DML can be diplayed with SELECT, Data Manipulation Module understand the role of Database Administration, Locking explore Lock Manager, Transaction Management & Concurrency Control understand Scheduler, Database Administration provide an overview of DB tasks