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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Bio PBL, Inflammation Caused by Excessive Fibrosis, Pancreas Effects Long Term, Short Term Includes Pituitary Gland, Wernicke Psychosis Symptom Short Term Memory Loss, Gastritis Erodes Stomach Lining, Cerebrum Leads to Increases pain threshold, Acute Pancreatitis Symptoms Fever, Limbic System Leads to Short Term Memory Loss, Lowers Sensitivity of Senses Leads to Increases pain threshold, Alcohol Effects on Kidney, Acute Pancreatitis Symptoms Vomiting, Korsakoff's Syndrome Symptom Long Term Memory Loss, Heart Leads to Long Term, Excessive Urination As Water is required for breaking down alcohol, Hangovers AKA A period of unpleasant effects, Liver cells are unable to repair themselves Compromises Other Organs, Weakened Myocardium Fails Heart stops beating, and cardiac failure occurs, Brain Effects Short Term, Short Term Includes Limbic System, To produce NAD+ Compromises Body's ability to produce glucose from pyruvate