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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: CONSCIOUS CHOICE OF AN APPROACH, SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES SEVEN S, SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES LOGIC MAPPING, SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES OPTIONS @ META FRAMEWORK LEVEL 2 DEBATE DESIGN FRAMEWORK OPTIONS “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” Abraham Maslow, ???? OUTCOME MAPPING, SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES A Causal Model of Organizational Performance & Change (Burke & Litwin Model), SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES SOAR don't SWOT: Asset Based Strategic Planning, SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES IOA MODEL, SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES Open Systems Model 1. External environment/elements of institutional analysis 2. Financial resources and systems 3. Role and strategy 4. Culture 5. People and Human Resource Management 6. Management Systems and Practices 7. Organisation structure 8. Outputs / Performance, SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES complexity theory ????, ???? OUTCOME MAPPING SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES The Marvin Weisbord Six-Box Model (Weisbord’s Model