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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Part 3, eliminaring the oppressor consciousness; All an oppressor has known is to oppress They must.. Review their view of the world and their ethics., The oppressed allow themselves to commit to the transformation transformation caused by.. eliminaring the oppressor consciousness; All an oppressor has known is to oppress, The Pedagogy of the Oppressed has two stages The oppressed allow themselves to commit to the transformation, The education of the oppressed would be a contradiction they would require a revolution., Oppressors what is their goal? The Oppressors want more, they always want more, even at the cost of them having less or nothing, a method and paractice of teaching educating The Oppressed, pedagogy ???? a method and paractice of teaching, The Oppressed Humanity they process it as a exclusive right, as inherited property to gain privedge over others., The Oppressors want more, they always want more, even at the cost of them having less or nothing others Those who don't have more, it is because they are lazy. this is dehumanization., The Pedagogy of the Oppressed has two stages The pedagogy becomes of the people, Freire Part 3 what is? pedagogy, Those who oppress; fail others as persons not the helpless subject to terror who initiate terror, Those who oppress; fail others as persons not the Those whose humanity is denied them who negate humankind, Freire Part 3 ???? permanent liberation, Without prior violence, there would be no oppressed. Which was initiated by Those who oppress; fail others as persons, Those who oppress; fail others as persons not the despised who intiate hatred, not feeling liberated what Oppressors, Oppressors ???? leads to violence, The Oppressed are the result of violence; therefore they cannot be the initiators., The Oppressed denied because The education of the oppressed would be a contradiction