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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Definitions mia president, mediascape metaphorical trend in taste or trends, finanscape india,Philippines, singapore, Definitions Globalization neoliberal, Appadurai's 5-Scape mediascape, Appadurai's 5-Scape finanscape, technoscape gobal movement of modern technology, Definitions Post-Conflict represents not just the nation but a small community, not as broad and that the problem has been resolved, Appadurai's 5-Scape technoscape, Definitions Globalization intergration, ethnoscape refugees, finanscape dispostion of gobal capital, mediascape state- run intrest of a nation state, ideoscape master narration, Definitions Globalization Appadurai's 5-Scape, Definitions Post-Colonial refers to colonized, ethnoscape transnational distrubution of correlated people, Appadurai's 5-Scape ideoscape, Appadurai's 5-Scape ethnoscape, ideoscape enlightenment thinking