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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Brandon Kremer Research Career Map 2, Junior investigator requires Getting the right credentials, Research career as a Mid-career investigator, Career development awards which provide the data for Writing papers, Publication occurs via Reviewing manuscripts, Publication occurs via Writing papers, Reviewing grants from junior investigators as a part of Mentoring, Research career always requires Protected time, Senior investigator funds his/her research via Grantsmanship, Reviewing manuscripts both Officially for determining suitability for publication, Small-scale industry/ foundation which provide the data for Writing papers, Establish(ing) currency including Research program, Research career always requires Insomnia/hypomania, Mid-career investigator becomes Senior investigator, Writing grants both Career development awards, Junior investigator requires Establish(ing) currency, Energy which may take the form of Insomnia/hypomania, Grantsmanship funding research by Writing large grants, Research career always requires Inquisitiveness, Finding good mentor(s) help(s) to Establish(ing) currency, Further coursework such as Epidemiology