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'Composition',_oil_painting_on_wood_panel_by_Alexander_Rodchenko,_1918,_Art_Gallery_of_New_South_Wales.JPG 1915_Dance_by_Rodchenko.jpg 220px-Chagall_IandTheVillage.jpg CRI_151355 The City Rises Umberto Boccioni 1910.jpg CRI_151441 The Laugh Umberto Boccioni 1911.jpg Dinamismo_di_treno_nave_aereo Dynamism of Train Ship Airplane, Giulio D'Anna, 1930.jpg futur_stel_battle_lgJoseph Stella American 1877-1946 Battle of Lights Coney Island c 1913-14 oil on canvas 39 x 29 inches.jpg GBallaArt Giacomo Balla's Abstract Speed + Sound 1913-1914, with imagery anticipating Aeropittura.jpg Jane_Frank_Ploughed_Fields_MD.jpg Kandinsky_WWI.jpg tongue-tattoo1.jpg