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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ISIS Map, Web based resources publicly available through Short videos of student interviews, Continuing Research building on Student Focus Groups on Spirituality Supports, *Target Publications venues like Chronicle of Higher Education, Change Magazine like Diversity Digest, *Target Publications venues like Centers for Teaching and Learning, Change Magazine like Centers for Teaching and Learning, Dissemination of best pedagogical practices through Conference Presentations, Dissemination of best pedagogical practices through developing relationships with Targeted Institutions and leaders, Give legitimacy to products of ISIS endorsement & input from recognized higher ed leaders ISIS Advisory Group of 4 or 5 Higher Ed Leaders, Web based resources publicly available through Write short, pithy pieces on specific practices, *Target Publications venues like Diversity Digest, Continuing Research building on Faculty Interviews on Student Success, Skill building through development of detailed action plans Other institutions' faculty teams visit HU, work with HU students & ISIS, Skill building through development of detailed action plans H.U. CILT & Prof. Devt. Comm deliver workshops & mentoring to H.U. faculty, Dissemination of best pedagogical practices through Web based resources, developing relationships with Targeted Institutions and leaders Inviting to visit Heritage University Other institutions' faculty teams visit HU, work with HU students & ISIS, *ISIS: Institute for Student Identity & Success increases success of "new majority" students through faculty developement Dissemination of best pedagogical practices, *ISIS: Institute for Student Identity & Success increases success of "new majority" students through faculty developement Skill building, Continuing Research building on ISIS Lit Search on Faculty Traits, Skills & Practices, Dissemination of best pedagogical practices through Publication Venues