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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: DataCategory, HabitatUse are ExistingUse, MarineMammalMigration are HabitatUse, EcologicalFunctionsProcessesAndImpacts are Data.gov Category, EnergyAndMineralResources are Data.gov Category, HumanUse are ExistingUse, TransportationAndNavigationUse are HumanUse, CommercialFishingUse are HumanUse, SeabirdMigration are HabitatUse, AdministrativeAndRegulatory are Data.gov Category, MarineProtectedArea are HabitatUse, ElevationAndBathymetry are Data.gov Category, RecreationUse are HumanUse, VesselTrafficUse are HumanUse, AirSensitiveHabitat are HabitatUse, BOEM Category are Theme, Data.gov Category are Theme, CulturalAndHistoric are Data.gov Category, MilitaryUse are HumanUse, ExistingUse are BOEM Category, GeologicHazard are Hazard