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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ch 1 BEN SIEGEL 21, 1934 1940, introducing psychology ch 1 the scientific study of behavior and mental processes, psychologist has Ph.D., psychiatrist a medical docter who has specialized in diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders, 1905 1912, scientific method uses finding relationships, psychiatric social worker has M.S.W., experiments hazards, 1894 influenced by Darwin's ideas William James, hazards placebo effect, psychological scientists have a primary goal of proctecting the health and welfare of their animal or human participants ???? ????, Max Wertheimer cant break down into smaller elements, four primary goals explain, 1879 formally began psychology Wilhelm Wundt, ANDERSON's WIRED editorial in petabyte age pattern analysis, experiments operational definition, contol experimental, humanistic focuses on human potential, Cognitive focuses on memory, intelligences, perception, placebo effect experimenter effect