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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: bEAT it! research project, Exams Occupy the time of Students, Students do/don't prepare for Exams, Professors Grade For other faculty to gauge student readiness For students to demonstrate understanding To meet departmental objectives/standards To contribute to GPA, Professors Use Purpose Time available Past Experience Training Conventions/best practices of the field, Students have a variety of exeriences with and feelings about Exams, Exams Assess Students, Exams assess Professors, Exams measure effectiveness of teaching retention/memoriation of information synthesis of information student success connection of course material to.., Professors ???? QUESTIONS for Faculty: What does assessment mean to you? How many times have you taught this specific course? Do the exams you use in this course change from semester to semester? What is the structue of the most recent exam? What type of questions were used? What was your purpose in using an exam? How did you first create this exam? What influenced that process? Does you background in education and biology influence your exam development? If so, how? How are your exams influenced by your background in education? Do you think this differentiates your exams from those of other biology faculty? Are you the only faculty member at this institution who teaches this course? Do you think your course is structured differently from other biology or science professors? What is your perception of how students view the exam? Do you think they see exams as serving the same purpose you have in mind when creating them? How do you think students would prefer to learn, adn how do you incorporate that?, Purpose Time available Past Experience Training Conventions/best practices of the field To write Exams, Exams Challenge/Motivate Students, Exams are a tool for Professors, Students view exams as POSITIVE: a tool for measuring their own understanding a way to organize studying one method among many for learning material, Students view exams as UNDETERMINED: challenging/easy fair/unfair, Professors Grade Exams, Students view exams as NEGATIVE: busy work time consuming encouraging memorization, not synthesis easy for the professor/faculty, Purpose Time available Past Experience Training Conventions/best practices of the field influence or don't influence? effectiveness of teaching retention/memoriation of information synthesis of information student success connection of course material to..