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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: NoSEvoandGCC, TSSI measures Vital for Economy, Youth Science Exposure may affect Global Climate Change (GCC) acceptance, TSSI measures Open to people regardless of race or gender, TSSI measures Important for all people, Political Party affects Global Climate Change (GCC) acceptance, Dependent Variables established as Global Climate Change (GCC) acceptance, Should influence policy, be publicly funded, not publicly controlled may affect Global Climate Change (GCC) acceptance, Demographics Survey describes Demographics, Neutral w/ regard to religion and morality may affect Evolution acceptance, Epistemology may affect Evolution acceptance, Dependent Variables established as Evolution acceptance, General Political Views divide into Fiscal Political Views, Religious affiliation may affect Evolution acceptance, TSSI measures Positive for Public Health, Region affects Global Climate Change (GCC) acceptance, Religiosity affects Global Climate Change (GCC) acceptance, Parents' education level may affect Evolution acceptance, MATE measures Evolution acceptance, Youth Science Exposure may affect Evolution acceptance, General Political Views divide into Social Political Views