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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Kyla Parker, Ch.1 20, The History of Psychology Functionalism Studies how people use mental processes in adapting to their enviroment., PSYCHOLOGY: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Psychology's Goals Description: What is happening?, PSYCHOLOGY: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. ???? The History of Psychology, The Modern Perspectives of Psychology Cognitive Focuses on the internal mental processes of the brain., PSYCHOLOGY: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Areas of Specialization Psychiatrist: Specializes in diagnosis and treatment, PSYCHOLOGY: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Psychology's Goals Prediction: When will it happen again?, Experimentation Surveys Interviews or questionaires used to gain information, The History of Psychology Structuralism The first school of thought in psychology. Studies the structure of the mind., The Modern Perspectives of Psychology Sociocultural Study of a cultural standards or expected behavior, PSYCHOLOGY: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Areas of Specialization Psychiatric Social Worker: Focus on how enviromental conditions impact mental disorders., The Modern Perspectives of Psychology Evolutionary Studies how humans adapt the behaviors requirecd for survival., Experimentation Observations Laboratory: Observations made on subjects in a laboratory enviroment., Experimentation Observations Case Study: Oservation/ study of an individual in great detail., The Modern Perspectives of Psychology Humanistic Focuses on uniqueness, choice, growth, & psychological health of an individual. "To live is to strive.", PSYCHOLOGY: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Psychology's Goals Control: How can it be changed?, The Science of Psychology What is psychology? PSYCHOLOGY: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes., PSYCHOLOGY: The scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Psychology's Goals Explanation: Why is it happening?, Experimentation Observations Naturalistic: Observation of experiment on subjects in their natural enviroment., Experimentation Variables Independant: Variable that is manpulated, The Modern Perspectives of Psychology Behavioral Studies how the enviroment effects and shapes behavior.