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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Matt Koznetski ch. 1 22, Psychology now Behavioral perspective, Psychologist has different ways of observing including Laboratory observation, Psychology goals Explanation: Why is it happening?, Psychiatrist gives a bunch of pills to people, Psychology now Evolutionary perspective, Psychology areas of specialization Psychiatric social worker, Psychology then functionalism, Psychology goals Control: How can it be changed?, structuralism introduced by Edward Titchener, Psychologist has different ways of observing including Naturalistic observation, Psychology goals Prediction: When will it happen again?, Psychology now Sociocultural perspective, Psychology then Objective introspection, Psychology areas of specialization Psychiatrist, functionalism love child of William James, Case studies focuses on one specific case, Psychology now Psychodynamic perspective, Psychiatric social worker helps children in need, Objective introspection thought of by Wilhelm Wundt, Surveys study answers to polls from the general population