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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Ch 2 Young Baek 24, synaptic vesicles releases neurotransmitters synaptic gap, Brain could be observed via positron emission tomography (PET), Spinal Cord divided into outer section, lobes different types of lobes temporal, biological psychology defined as branch of neuroscience that focuses on biological bases of psychological processes, behavior, and learning, cognitive processing such as working memory, occipital responsible for processing visual information, lobes different types of lobes frontal, neurons is electrically charged, Neuroscience defined as Branch of life sciences, Brain could be observed via brain stimulation, association areas such as Wernicke's Area, corticoids help regulate source of sex hormones, gonads secretes hormones that regulate reproduction, cingulate cortex responsible for cognitive processing, Sympathetic Division prepares the body expend energy during stress, electrically charged at rest resting potential, synaptic gap different types of neurotransmitters unused neurotransmitters, cortex composed of amygdala, synaptic vesicles defined as saclike structures that contain neurotransmitters