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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: BUCK Chp 6 21, Automatic Encoding is Flashbulb Memories, brain trauma, disease, or aging 2 classifications Retrograde, Encoding Specificty is the tendency for memory of information to be improved by surroundings or physical shape when it formed., Long-Term Memory 2 Types Procederal Memory, Retrieval types Encoding Specificty, MEMORY the science aspect Neroscience of Memory, Decay or Disuse information not accessed goes away from lack of use, MEMORY 3 Processes Encoding, Constructive Processing referring to the retirieval of memories in which those memories are altered, revised, or influenced by new information., Proactive Interference older info already in memory interferes with newer information., Sensory Memory is the first stage of memory, the point at which information enters the nervous system by touch, Misinformation Effect similar to hindsight bias the tendency of misleading information presented after an event to alter the memories of the event itself., Levels-of-Processing focuses on the depth of processing associated with specific information, Serial Position Effect form of recall information at the begining and end is remembered more accurately., Amnesia 2 types Organic, Reconstruction memory construction Constructive Processing, Retrieval types Serial Position Effect, MEMORY is an active system that recieves information from the senses, puts that information into a usable form, and organizes it as it stores it away, and then retrieves the information from storage., Retroactive Interference new info interferes with retrieval of old info., Information-Processig focuses on the way information is handled, or processed, through three different systems of memory.