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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Sacha Marquis Ch5 24, Cognitive Learning Types Latent Learning, Cognitive Learning Types Learned Helplessness, Reinforcer Types Secondary, Reinforcer Schedules Partial Reinforcement Effect, Reinforcer Schedules Fixed Interval Schedule of Reinforcement, Learning Change not brought on by learning Maturation, Learning Types of Learning Classical Conditioning, Conditioned Taste Aversion Leaned for survival Biological Preparedness, Operant Conditioning Used in Behavior Modification, Conditioned Stimulus Has same reflex response Unconditioned Stimulus, Classical Conditioning Learning of phobias Conditioned Emotional Response, Reinforcer Types Positive, Reflex Key Elements High-Order Conditioning, High-Order Conditioning Produces Conditioned Response, Cognitive Learning Types Insight, Neutral Stimulus Paired with Unconditioned Stimulus, Observational Learning Steps Attention, Behavior Modification Techniques Token Economy, Behavior Modification Techniques Applied Behavior Analysis, Unconditioned Response Same Conditioned Response